DATE: May 2011- June 2014
PARTNERS: Raum Zeit Piraten, Goethe Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan, BBMP, Natya Stem Kampni, Sandbox Collective & Jaaga.
COMMUNITY: Art enthusiasts and local residents.
Jaaga embarked on a three-year endeavor under India Digital Heritage to document the enduring crafts of Hampi, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. After surveying 30 villages in the area, we identified 17 living crafts. Video portraits capturing the expertise of master craftsmen were produced, complemented by the creation of a website and wiki to disseminate the research.
In collaboration with the Crafts Council of Karnataka, with funding from the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, under the auspices of India Digital Heritage Project, Jaaga DNA worked on a three year project to document selected crafts of Hampi. The work was presented as an immersive experience to the public late 2014. Visit the Website>>