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BeFantastic Pivot

Jaaga Coordinator

DATE: Sept 2020

PARTNERS: Goethe Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan, British Council, BeFantastic 

& Jaaga.

COMMUNITY: 24 creators. 13 Experts as Speakers and 350 virtual participants

An online international collaborative TechArt Fellowship pilot as a response to the COVID condition. Artists from Germany, the UK, and South Asia collaborated online to make AI-focused Techart, showcased in an online gallery.

Focus on UN’s Sustainable Development Goal #3Mental Health and Well-being

This CoLab & TechArt Fellowship is inspired by Jaaga's resolve to grow the community of techartists and foster creative engagement in leading digital technologies. The Fellowship is offered online and is directed to aspiring techart practitioners from any discipline of art and design. In the challenges of the times, we present the CoLab Fellowship as online program that opens the doors to exciting possibilities in international collaborations.

Supported by Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Bangalore and British Council’s Architecture and Design Festivals and Biennales grant, this edition of the CoLab Fellowship creates a bridge between Germany, South Asia, UK & India. It was a unique  opportunity for a community of hand-picked international fellows to use the limitations of the current moment to explore and showcase collaborative learning and making with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies. Over a two week period we will spend time synchronously four hours daily, working and dialoging with peers and experts who come in as trainers, provocateurs and facilitators. 

This edition of the fellowship is in partnership with Islington Mills UK. Islington Mill Art Academy (IMAA) is a free peer-led art school. It is a place to experiment and enquire; to translate arts education into something viable and meaningful in the real world. IMAA will support this fellowship edition as co-curators of the final participants from the UK’s creative sector and in promoting the open call to their community.

Fellows of the Pivot CoLab got access to a curated global community of creators as members of - Meet them there

CoLab TechArt Dialog Series

The CoLab Dialog Series aims to open up conversation between global creators on the state of the possibilities, problematics and career paths in the artistic explorations of technologies. Towards this we invite international techart experts – curators, festival directors and creators to present and provocate our fellows and attendees. The Series follows a presentation-dialog format. Invited Speakers will present their work, or works by others they have curated that best addresses the topic at hand. This will be followed by a dialog between Speakers, Fellows and the public steered by an invited Provocateur. Watch Videos of Dialogs here


  • Data Privacy, Art & Society

  • Creating TechArt

  • Showcasing TechArt

  • TechArt & Society

  • Show &Tell by Fellows


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